State Health Care Cost Trends
State Fact Sheets

States have been at the forefront of policy changes to make health care more affordable, advancing policies, including cost growth benchmarks, transparency initiatives, and interventions to address facility fees. HCCI’s state-level data on health care spending, prices, use of services, and more can inform these efforts. To see a compilation of data available, click on a state in the map or the name of the state from the list below to download a fact sheet summarizing cost trends and drivers.


States have been at the forefront of policy changes to make health care more affordable, advancing policies, including cost growth benchmarks, transparency initiatives, and interventions to address facility fees. HCCI’s state-level data on health care spending, prices, use of services, and more can inform these efforts. To see a compilation of data available, click on the name of the state from the list below to download a fact sheet summarizing cost trends and drivers.