By Jacqueline Howard on Wednesday, 27 May 2020
Category: News

CNN: Daily deaths in US now more than 10% higher than in previous years

HCCI's research on daily deaths during the coronavirus pandemic was featured on CNN. 

From the article: 

"The number of people dying each day in the United States since early April has been consistently more than 10% higher than in previous years, according to a new report from the Health Care Cost Institute in Washington.

The institute connects this rise in daily deaths to the coronavirus pandemic.

The Health Care Cost Institute, an independent nonprofit research organization, based its report on data from obituaries for all deaths due to any cause, not just Covid-19.

To better understand the number of daily deaths happening in the United States during the pandemic, researchers at the institute compared the daily count of deaths for each day this year with the average number of deaths on each day for the years 2014 through 2019. Those estimates for daily deaths are reported at the national and state level, and for New York City."

Daily deaths in US now more than 10% higher than in previous years