By Bianca Silva, Daniel Kurowski on Tuesday, 04 October 2022
Category: Briefs

HCCI Spotlights Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Use of Mammograms Peaks in October

Mammography screenings are recommended every 1-2 years for women aged 40 and older, as well as for younger women who are at high risk for breast cancer. These screenings are an essential tool for early detection and treatment of breast cancer.

Using HCCI's data on people with employer-sponsored insurance as well as Medicare and Medicaid data, we examined mammography utilization patterns from 2018 through 2020.

Three charts highlight the key findings:

Our analysis indicates that mammography rates peak each year in October, likely reflecting increased efforts to encourage individuals to get routine breast cancer screening. In 2018 and 2019, October mammography rates were about 1.6 times the average monthly rate. In October 2020, mammography rates were lower than in either October 2018 or October 2019, consistent with other evidence that health care use dropped overall in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Still, the mammography rate in October 2020 was higher than other months in the year. Specifically, the rate in October was about 1.1 times the average monthly rates in all other months in 2020 (excluding March, April, and May).

Although not as dramatic as the increase in mammograms, other cancer screenings, including pap smears and colonoscopies, also peak in October. In 2018 and 2019, October colonoscopy rates were about 1.5 times the average monthly rate, and pap smear rates were about 1.7 times the average monthly rate. In 2020, October colonoscopy and pap smear rates were both about 1.1 times the average monthly rate of all other months (excluding March, April, and May). This finding suggests that efforts to raise awareness around breast cancer screening may positively influence the likelihood that patients receive other cancer screenings.

Mammography rates in 2020 were clearly affected by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. In April 2020, the mammography rate was about 80% lower than the rate in April 2019. Even though rates rebounded later in the year, the average monthly mammography rate overall was 15% lower in 2020 compared to 2019. As noted above, even in 2020, mammography rates were higher in October 2020 than any other month that year. The decrease in mammography rates in 2020 is concerning, as delays in screening can result in delayed diagnoses and higher breast cancer mortality in the future.