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HCCI Spotlights Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month: Colorectal Cancer Screening Rates Increased 30% Among Ages 45 to 54

Colorectal cancer is the fourth most commonly diagnosed cancer in the U.S. and the second leading cause of cancer death. Recently, a growing number of young people have been diagnosed with colorectal cancer. According to the American College of Surgeons, the incidence rate of early onset colorectal cancer is expected to double by 2030. While these statistics are alarming, colon and rectal cancer a...

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Women Diagnosed with Obesity Receive Treatment at Twice the Rate of Men

Prior HCCI research has shown that women are more likely to use health care services than men. Among people who receive health insurance through their employer, we find that women are, on average, 1.4 times more likely to receive any health care services than men, and this trend has remained consistent over time. As shown in Figure 1, utilization differences vary slightly by service categories. Wo...

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Mental Health Service Use Among People with Employer-Sponsored Insurance

The Health Care Cost Institute (HCCI), in collaboration with West Health, conducted an analysis on the use of office-based mental health services among people with employer-sponsored insurance (ESI). We found that use of mental health services has increased from 2018-2022, and that therapy was the most commonly used service. We found an increase in spending on therapy services from 2018-2022 drive...

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Telehealth Access is Crucial to Mental Health Care for People with Employer-Sponsored Insurance

The Health Care Cost Institute (HCCI), in collaboration with West Health, conducted an analysis on the use of telehealth mental health services among people with employer-sponsored insurance (ESI). We found that telehealth played an outsized role in the delivery of mental health services starting in 2020, with over 40% of mental health visits occurring via telehealth from 2020-2022. Fema...

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International Comparisons of Health Care Prices from the 2024 iFHP Study

The International Federation of Health Plans (iFHP) has published its 2024 International Healthcare Cost Comparison Report, marking its latest biennial analysis of global healthcare costs. Compiled in collaboration with the Health Care Cost Institute (HCCI), the report compares costs for inpatient and outpatient treatments, as well as prescription drugs, across nine countries using data from 2022....

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Assessment of “No Value Care” among People with Employer-Sponsored Insurance and Traditional Medicare

Policymakers and clinician consortia have identified low value care, defined as health care services that provide negligible clinical benefit to the patient when provided, as one way to curb excessive and inefficient medical spending. A previous HCCI report found that 18% of people with employer-sponsored insurance in 2019 received at least one low-value service, which corresponded to 2.6% of over...

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HCCImpact 2024

High and rising health care costs affect individuals, families, and businesses across the country, and they have for decades. Cost forces difficult choices between health care and other needs. The Health Care Cost Institute's mission of using data and analytics to improve the US health care system recognizes that people are at the heart of health care, and we are committed to putting our clai...

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Commercial Prices for Ground Ambulance are Double Medicare Rates

Ambulances contribute to urgent lifesaving and life-enhancing medical care, but the unplanned nature of this essential service can lead to high unexpected costs to patients. This HCCI data brief focuses on ground ambulances, which make up 98% of all ambulance trips, and builds upon earlier work that explored 10-year trends in ambulance prices, utilization, spending, and the frequency of out-of-net...

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Commercial inpatient hospital price growth driven by system affiliation and nonprofit-status hospitals

Recent data from the Health Care Cost Institute (HCCI) show that growth in hospitals' commercial inpatient prices was higher in system-affiliated and non-profit hospitals from 2012-2021.  Key Findings: In the backdrop of a wave of hospital mergers, system-affiliated non-profit hospitals account for more than half of short-term general acute care hospitals in the US (from 50.6% in 2012 to 62.5...

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Five years since US first biosimilar market entry, first signs of savings attributed to biosimilars in the employer-sponsored insurance population

Biologic drugs treat a range of diseases such as cancer, diabetes, retinal diseases, Crohn's disease and many other conditions. Despite accounting for use by just 2% of Americans, spending on biologics is a major driver of drug spending in the United States. Biologics often come with a hefty price tag; for example, the most commonly used biologic drug, Humira, can have out-of-pocket costs that run...

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Price Markups for Clinical Labs: Employer-based Insurance Pays Hospital Outpatient Departments 3x Than Physician Offices and Independent Labs for Identical Tests

The Health Care Cost Institute (HCCI) in collaboration with West Health conducted an analysis of the high prices that employer-based insurance pays hospital outpatient departments for clinical lab tests. We found that insurers are paying, on average, 3 times more for common lab tests such as blood and urine test when billed by hospital outpatient departments compared to independent laboratories. D...

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Welcome to HealthPrices.Org! HCCI’s Free Price Transparency Tool

Building on a commitment to health care price transparency that spans more than a decade, the Health Care Cost Institute is excited to introduce HealthPrices.Org (formerly Guroo), a free health care price transparency tool that shows consumers the average prices for health care services in their local metropolitan area. Access to data on prices can help consumers, employers, and other purchasers o...

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Obesity Treatments Vary Between ESI and Medicaid Populations

According to the most recent year of data available, an estimated 42% of adults have obesity and almost 20% of children are diagnosed with obesity. It is well documented that obesity prevalence and associated health care costs continue to rise. The Kaiser Family Foundation has estimated the average annual health spending for people enrolled in commercial insurance diagnosed with obesity ...

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HCCI and the National Kidney Foundation Partner to Create Chronic Kidney Disease Dashboard

HCCI collaborated with the National Kidney Foundation and The DataFace to develop a national and state-level multi-payer dashboard that examines the current state of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in the US and highlights the gaps in CKD-related care. Our interactive tool allows users to examine the rates of CKD testing and diagnosis among people at-risk for CKD. It also highlights CKD quality of ca...

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Data Brief: Menopause Diagnosis Steadily Increased from 2018-2022

Menopause is clinically defined as the end of a female's menstrual cycle, but for many, this stage of life is marked by uncertainty and confusion. It is a period where information is vague, experience is poorly understood, and it leaves many women feeling isolated as they navigate the complex changes of aging. Each year, nearly two million women enter menopause, yet there is a significant knowledg...

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One In Five People With Employer-Sponsored Insurance Do Not Use Any Health Care Services

The amount of health care services people use varies widely across the population and can change year to year. People may require a higher amount of care in one year and fewer services the next. Although "high utilizers" are often discussed, there are people who do not use any services throughout the year. Other than being in good physical health, people may not seek care for a variety of reasons ...

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HCCI Research Finds The Lower Costs, More Transparency Act Targets Substantial Portion of Administered Drug Spending

The Lower Costs, More Transparency Act (H.R. 5378) currently before Congress aims to increase price transparency in health care and address the high cost of prescription drugs. One of the provisions of the bill would change the way Medicare pays for physician administered drugs. Currently, Medicare pays a higher price for drugs that are administered in a hospital outpatient setting than drugs that...

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Employer Sponsored Insurance Paid Twice as Much as Medicare for Services at Ambulatory Surgical Centers

Technological medical advancements have shifted an array of procedures previously rendered in inpatient hospitals to ambulatory surgical centers (ASCs). For example, same-day procedures (e.g., cataracts surgery) that do not require an overnight hospital stay and musculoskeletal procedures, such as arthroscopy, are commonly performed at ASCs.  Because they operate independently of brick-a...

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HCCI Spotlights American Heart Month: Cardiac Rehabilitation Rates Have Room to Grow

Consistently Low Rates of Cardiac Rehabilitation Sessions

Cardiac rehabilitation is a program to help patients with heart events recover and return to normal activities. It is recommended following acute heart events and as a component of addressing chronic heart failure. Despite recommendations from federal agencies, advocacy groups, and national health associations and the documented benefits of cardiac rehabilitation, only 20-30% of people who could b...

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Can Employers Help Lower Health Care Prices through Self-Insured Plans?

10 FAQs about Employer-based Health Plans Recent data from the Health Care Cost Institute (HCCI) show that price growth accounted for more than half the change in per person health care spending from 2017 to 2021. Nearly half of people in the US get health insurance through work, either through their own employer or as a dependent. Accordingly, rising health care spending is a big problem for empl...

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Severe Maternal Morbidity Increased by 25% from 2017-2021 among those with Employer Sponsored Insurance

The CDC defines Severe Maternal Morbidity (SMM) as 'unexpected outcomes of labor and delivery that result in significant short- or long-term consequences to a woman's health.' These outcomes are largely preventable and are an important indicator of maternal health care quality. The CDC reports that SMM has steadily increased in recent years, and the consequences are wide-ranging, including detrime...

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On Average, ESI Pays Nearly 3 times Medicare for Hospital Outpatient Services

Health care spending continues to grow, and prices are the primary driver. Without addressing high and growing prices, efforts to make care more affordable will not be successful. One way to understand what is going on with prices in employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) is to compare negotiated rates paid in that market to Medicare payments for the same services. New analysis from the Heal...

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Antidepressant Medication Use Increased Post-Pandemic, but Large Disparities Exist across Nearly Every Demographic Measure

The World Health Organization reported that, following the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a 25% increase in the prevalence of anxiety and depression worldwide. Mental health crises following months and years of social isolation and other effects of the pandemic have renewed national interest in mental health care access. Understanding how mental health services, including medications used to treat m...

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Telehealth use increased dramatically from 2019-2021, but varied by state, age, and area-level social determinants of health

Building on existing work on telehealth use early in the COVID-19 pandemic among people who get health insurance through work, HCCI examined the use of telehealth services by year through 2021. We examined patterns of telehealth use by modality (synchronous or asynchronous) and state, as well as select measures of area (zip or county)-level social determinants of health as reported in AHRQ's Socia...

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Emergency Room Spending, Price, and Use Trends 2012-2021

The emergency room (ER) is a critical and life-saving source of care for many Americans, but the resulting medical bills that patients receive can be a source of confusion and extreme financial burden. From incredibly high, varying prices to surprise bills resulting from in/out of network confusion, many Americans have no idea what to expect when it comes to the cost of ER services. Poli...

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