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Going Beyond the Healthy Marketplace Index: A Closer Look at Four Metro Areas

Each year, HCCI creates the Healthy Marketplace Index (HMI) to examine how health care spending varies across the United States. The HMI shows health care spending, prices, and use compared to the national median for close to 200 local metro areas. By describing how health care spending varies geographically and how use and price contribute to spending in each area, HMI is a starting point in unde...

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HCCI Data Byte: Using 5-Digit Enrollee and Hospital Zip Code Data to Examine Travel Times for Children's Hospital Services

HCCI's commercial claims dataset includes claims for over one-third of the population with health insurance through their job (employer-sponsored insurance, or ESI). There are a number of unique features of these data that make them valuable for answering important health care and health policy questions. One such feature is the 5-digit zip codes of ESI enrollees (i.e., where people live) and thei...

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Trends in STI Screening Utilization

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are infections caused by pathogens spread through sexual contact. STIs can progress from an infection into a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis and HIV are the most commonly screened for STIs in the US. The CDC STD Surveillance Data estimates that there were more than 2.5 million cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis...

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ESI Enrollees Paid $853 on Average Out-of-Pocket for Health Care in 2020, But Some People Paid Over Four Times as Much

High out-of-pocket costs for health care services can put necessary care and medications out of reach for many people. In one survey, nearly half of adults reported difficulty paying for health care services. In this brief, we used HCCI's commercial claims dataset, which includes health care spending information for over one-third of the population who receives health insurance through their job, ...

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Growing Rate of Billed Emergency Department Use in Childbirth Inpatient Admissions

A recent KHN article reported on the growing presence of "obstetric emergency departments" (OBEDs) in U.S. hospitals. Hospitals suggest that OBEDs, which are generally located within labor and delivery departments and often indistinguishable from standard triage rooms, allow pregnant patients with potential emergent conditions (or when they are in labor) to be seen quickly by hospitalists. Pa...

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Measuring the Prevalence of Obesity Using a Distributed Electronic Health Record Network

Obesity is a serious and costly chronic disease that has been increasingly common among the U.S. population. Electronic health record (EHR) data have the potential to support research and patient care interventions. The timeliness and availability of aggregated clinical data can be used in near-real time to monitor obesity prevalence based on body mass index (BMI) at the population-level to guide ...

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Telehealth Use Increased more than 50-fold for Primary Care Visits and Behavioral Health Services in Early Months of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Telehealth facilitates medical care, allows for the sharing of health information, and offers patient health education through remote communication. In 2020, the onset of the public health emergency prompted many localities to restrict in-person gatherings to prevent transmission of the virus. Health care providers responded by expanding telehealth services in an effort to continue serving their p...

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COVID-19 Hospitalizations in 2020 were Highest for People Living in the Most Socially Vulnerable Areas and American Indian and Alaska Native People

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic fundamentally shifted health and health care in the US in 2020. Hospitals have been central to responding to the pandemic and treating COVID, which means that hospitalizations can provide an important lens to understanding the pandemic's impact. Earlier HCCI research looked at hospital use and spending among people with employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) before t...

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HCCI Spotlights National Diabetes Month: ESI Enrollees with Diabetes Face High Out-of-Pocket Costs. A Cap on Insulin Costs Would Help Many.

Diabetes is a chronic health condition that affects over 10% of the U.S. population. It is possible for people  who are diagnosed with diabetes to live a healthy, long life if the condition is managed properly. However, management often involves significant health care use, which can be costly for patients. Over the past few months, we used HCCI's commercial claims dataset to e...

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Prevention and Screening Rates among ESI Enrollees are Lower in Rural and Socially Vulnerable Areas, with Smaller Differences in Medication Adherence

Inequities in health care access and outcomes among vulnerable populations are well-documented, as is the fact that where you live affects health outcomes to a similar or even greater extent than your health behaviors. Previous HCCI work shows that employer-sponsored health insurance (ESI) plays an important role in many vulnerable communities. Among the population in the United States with health...

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Over 50% of Insulin Users with ESI Spend over $35 Out-of-pocket on 30-day Supply of Insulin

Previously, HCCI analyzed prescription drug spending to understand how many insulin users with employer sponsored insurance (ESI) would be affected by a $35 monthly cap on patient out-of-pocket spending on insulin. Our estimates were based on average monthly out-of-pocket spending on insulin across all insulin products. The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) recently passed by Congress includes a $35 p...

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Spending on Preventive Services Represents a Small Fraction of Total Health Care Spending, but Costs to Individuals Could Be High without ACA Protection

 The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires insurers to cover certain services without charging patients out-of-pocket. These services include routine preventive care, such as wellness visits, immunizations, contraceptive services, and cancer and other disease screenings. In September 2022, a federal court ruled portions of the law's preventive services provision unconstitutional. If the court de...

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Greater Share of Children’s Emergency Room Visits were for Mental Health Needs in 2020

In 2021, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and the Children's Hospital Association, declared a National State of Emergency in Children's Mental Health associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, including the loss of caregivers, school closures, social isolation, and gaps in health care (see citations below). Understanding the effect of the COV...

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Trends in HIV PrEP utilization, spending, and price

Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV are medications that reduce an individual's chances of contracting HIV. The CDC estimates that 1.2 million people are at risk of HIV infection and may benefit from a PrEP prescription. We analyzed health insurance claims for 55 million Americans with employer-sponsored insurance in order to examine utilization and spending on these drugs between 2016 and 202...

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HCCI Spotlights Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Use of Mammograms Peaks in October

Mammography screenings are recommended every 1-2 years for women aged 40 and older, as well as for younger women who are at high risk for breast cancer. These screenings are an essential tool for early detection and treatment of breast cancer. Using HCCI's data on people with employer-sponsored insurance as well as Medicare and Medicaid data, we examined mammography utilization patterns from 2018 ...

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Biosimilar Savings among People with Employer-Sponsored Insurance Not Keeping Pace with Savings in Medicare

Biologic drugs include a range of life-saving medications to treat cancer, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, retinal diseases, and many other conditions. Unlike "small molecule" drugs (e.g., statins), which can generally be taken at home, biologics are typically infusions or injections which require administration by a physician or other clinician in a hospital or physician's office. While just...

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Children's Health Services 2020 Report

The population with employer-sponsored health insurance (ESI) includes individuals who receive health insurance coverage from an employer, including employees and their dependents, such as spouses and eligible children. Half of the children in the U.S. are covered by ESI, making this form of coverage the largest source of insurance for American children. In this report, we present data on health c...

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COVID-19 Disrupted On-Time Vaccination Rates In ESI and Medicaid in 2020

It is no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic upended the U.S. health care system in 2020, with effects still being felt in 2022. HCCI previously published a brief that showed precipitous drops in the utilization of several preventive health care services in early 2020. Several news outlets have also covered the effect of the pandemic on routine services, including childhood vaccination rat...

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Mental Health and Respiratory Admissions Account for the Majority of Non-Newborn Children’s Hospitalizations from 2016-2020

Half of American children have health insurance coverage through an employer (typically as a dependent on a parent's coverage). Therefore, a major asset of employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) claims data is the opportunity to understand more about how children use and experience the health care system. In this brief, we use HCCI's unique national dataset encompassing health care claims for over one...

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Use of and Spending on Firearm-Related Injuries Increased among People with Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance from 2016-2020

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that there were more than 45,000 firearm-related deaths in 2020; in addition, evidence suggests that there were an additional 2-3 nonfatal firearm injuries seen per death. Recent studies estimate that more than 200 people are injured by firearms each day, and the notable tragedies in 2022, along with the daily toll of firearm-related inj...

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HCCUR Data Point: Trends in Total (Administered and Prescription) Drug Spending in ESI

Total spending on drugs includes spending on prescription drugs (typically oral medications prescribed by a physician, picked up by a patient at a local pharmacy, and taken at home) and administered drugs (typically injected or infused under the supervision of a health care professional either in an outpatient facility or physician office). In HCCI's Health Care Cost and Utilization Repo...

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Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance Plays a Significant Role in Vulnerable and Rural Communities

Health care insurance claims data capture what health care services people use and how much they pay. These data are crucial for understanding the state of the U.S. health care system, including aspects that function well, those that need improvement, and how to achieve better health and access to care across populations. In this report, we look at the characteristics of individuals who have emplo...

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HCCUR Data Point: Use and Spending on Clinician Services in Hospital and Non-Hospital Settings

In HCCI's Health Care Cost and Utilization Report (HCCUR), we report per person spending on health care services of $5,607 in 2020. Of this spending, $1,514 (27%) was on services that occurred in a hospital outpatient setting and $1,071 (19%) was on services that occurred in a hospital inpatient setting. These spending amounts do not include spending on professional services that a patient receive...

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Price Markups for Clinical Labs: Employer‑based Insurance Pays Hospital Outpatient Departments 3X More Than Physician Offices and Independent Labs for Identical Tests

The Health Care Cost Institute (HCCI) in collaboration with West Health conducted an analysis of the high prices that employer-based insurance pays hospital outpatient departments for clinical lab tests. We found that insurers are paying 3 times more for identical tests (such as simple blood and urine tests) when billed by hospital outpatient departments compared to physician offices and inde...

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International comparisons of health care prices from the 2019 iFHP study

The International Federation of Health Plans (iFHP), an executive network of the global health insurance industry based in London, in partnership with the Health Care Cost Institute (HCCI) in the United States, and iFHP member companies in multiple countries, today published the latest International Health Cost Comparison Report. The report compares the median prices paid by a sample of private he...

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