Research & Reports

Facilitating clear, unbiased research around the most important trends in health care, HCCI enables all stakeholders in health care to drive improvements in quality and value with our robust analytics.

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Latest Original Research

Explore HCCI’s library of publications analyzing topics related to health care costs and utilization.

Colorectal cancer is the fourth most commonly diagnosed cancer in the U.S. and the second leading cause of cancer death. Recently, a growing number of young people have been diagnosed with colorectal ...
Prior HCCI research has shown that women are more likely to use health care services than men. Among people who receive health insurance through their employer, we find that women are, on average, 1.4...
The Health Care Cost Institute (HCCI), in collaboration with West Health, conducted an analysis on the use of office-based mental health services among people with employer-sponsored insurance (ESI). ...
The Health Care Cost Institute (HCCI), in collaboration with West Health, conducted an analysis on the use of telehealth mental health services among people with employer-sponsored insurance...

Health Care Cost & Utilization

HCCI’s annual report on trends in spending, use, and prices among people with employer-sponsored insurance.

  • HCCUR highlights year-over-year and five-year cumulative trends in health care spending, segmented by health care service categories.
  • Access downloadable data and examine HCCI’s research methodology to further examine the trends in the report.
  • Read our flagship report referenced by economists, journalists, thought leaders, and policymakers, since 2012.

Access the latest report  Access the report archive

HCCUR graphics

Interactive Report
Health Care Vitals

An interactive dashboard lets users view national and state multi-payer health service data.

  • The data powering Health Care Vitals represents over 190 million people with public and private health insurance—nearly two out of every three people in the US with health insurance.
  • Track patterns and view monthly use rates of select health care services with the Vitals dashboard.
  • Filter and stratify the data by service category, payer type, and key demographics based on four complex and comprehensive underlying data sources. 

Access Health Care Vitals

Interactive Report
Healthy Marketplace Index

An exploration of health care spending across the US by geographic region.

  • The Healthy Marketplace Index (HMI) tracks spending across 180+ cities to determine what factors drive spending across and within metro areas.
  • HMI illustrates geographic variation in overall per-person spending, price, and use and includes measures of local factors, such as hospital market concentration.

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