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Severe Maternal Morbidity Increased by 25% from 2017-2021 among those with Employer Sponsored Insurance

The CDC defines Severe Maternal Morbidity (SMM) as 'unexpected outcomes of labor and delivery that result in significant short- or long-term consequences to a woman's health.' These outcomes are largely preventable and are an important indicator of maternal health care quality. The CDC reports that SMM has steadily increased in recent years, and the consequences are wide-ranging, including detrime...

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HuffPost: Having A Baby Will Cost You. Here’s Exactly How Much My Daughter’s Birth Cost Me.

HCCI's research and data on out-of-pocket childbirth spending was featured in HuffPost.  From the article: " The Health Care Cost Institute, an independent nonprofit, analyzed data from more than a third of the population with employer-sponsored insurance to dig into the out-of-pocket costs of childbirth." Having A Baby Will Cost You. Here’s Exactly How Much My Daughter’s Birth...

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