Diabetes and Insulin

Per Capita Health Care Spending on Diabetes: 2009-2013

This issue brief examines health care spending for adults and children with diabetes relative to those without diabetes, both in terms of total per capita health care spending and out-of-pocket costs from 2009-2013. 

Key Findings: 

  •  In 2013, $14,999 was spent per capita on health care for people with diabetes.
  • Per capita health care spending for children with diabetes rose 7% from 2011 to 2012 and 9.6% from 2012 to 2013.
  • Between 2011 and 2013, children with diabetes had the fastest per capita spending growth.
  • In 2013, $2,511 was spent per child with diabetes on branded insulin, more than four times what was spent on branded insulin for middle-aged adults ($589) and pre-Medicare adults ($617).
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