Annual Reports
HCCI’s Health Care Cost and Utilization Reports

Yearly reviews of spending, price and utilization trends for commercially-insured Americans. Learn more about our methodology, definitions, and other resources.


As COVID-19 Hit, Birthing People Spent Less Time in the Hospital for Delivery

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted Americans in a myriad of ways, including their use of the health care system for both COVID- and non-COVID related services. In this brief, we explore the ways in which the first year of the pandemic affected people for one of the most common hospital services – childbirth. In 2020, the first year of the pandemic, more than 3.6 million babies were born in the Uni...

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May 2022 HCCI Research Highlights

HCCI's data users and staff use our multi-payer, longitudinal commercial claims dataset to study some of the most pressing issues in the U.S. health care system. Here we highlight some recent research using HCCI data: COVID Tests Cost $0 for Most People in 2020 | HCCI We used HCCI's unique commercial claims dataset to analyze claims from over 19 million COVID-19 tests across 50 states and Was...

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COVID Tests Cost $0 for Most People in 2020

COVID-19 testing has become a regular part of life for many Americans over the last two years. In addition to facilitating individual returns to work, school, and other activities, testing is a crucial component of the public health strategy to monitor and address the spread of the virus. Even as testing becomes more available, there is widespread concern and frustration about the high and variabl...

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NY Mag: The Air-Ambulance Vultures

HCCI's research on air ambulance prices was featured in a New York Magazine article on the role of private equity in air ambulance pricing.  From the article:  "Between 2008 and 2017, the median price charged by providers for helicopter air ambulances nearly tripled, jumping from $12,500 to $35,900 per flight, according to a study by the Health Care Cost Institute." How Private Equi...

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GBH News: State health policymakers begin their annual battle with high costs

HCCI's Director of Research and Policy Dr. Aditi Sen was featured in a meeting with Massachusetts State policymakers. From the article:  "There's very close connections between higher cost-sharing amounts, higher prices and the ability of people to get the care that they need, the drugs that they need," Sen said. "High prices translate into higher premiums, less generous insurance a...

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