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Employer Sponsored Insurance Paid Twice as Much as Medicare for Services at Ambulatory Surgical Centers

Technological medical advancements have shifted an array of procedures previously rendered in inpatient hospitals to ambulatory surgical centers (ASCs). For example, same-day procedures (e.g., cataracts surgery) that do not require an overnight hospital stay and musculoskeletal procedures, such as arthroscopy, are commonly performed at ASCs.  Because they operate independently of brick-a...

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  1473 Hits

HCCI Spotlights American Heart Month: Cardiac Rehabilitation Rates Have Room to Grow

Consistently Low Rates of Cardiac Rehabilitation Sessions

Cardiac rehabilitation is a program to help patients with heart events recover and return to normal activities. It is recommended following acute heart events and as a component of addressing chronic heart failure. Despite recommendations from federal agencies, advocacy groups, and national health associations and the documented benefits of cardiac rehabilitation, only 20-30% of people who could b...

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  2023 Hits

Can Employers Help Lower Health Care Prices through Self-Insured Plans?

10 FAQs about Employer-based Health Plans Recent data from the Health Care Cost Institute (HCCI) show that price growth accounted for more than half the change in per person health care spending from 2017 to 2021. Nearly half of people in the US get health insurance through work, either through their own employer or as a dependent. Accordingly, rising health care spending is a big problem for empl...

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  1207 Hits

Severe Maternal Morbidity Increased by 25% from 2017-2021 among those with Employer Sponsored Insurance

The CDC defines Severe Maternal Morbidity (SMM) as 'unexpected outcomes of labor and delivery that result in significant short- or long-term consequences to a woman's health.' These outcomes are largely preventable and are an important indicator of maternal health care quality. The CDC reports that SMM has steadily increased in recent years, and the consequences are wide-ranging, including detrime...

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  1048 Hits

On Average, ESI Pays Nearly 3 times Medicare for Hospital Outpatient Services

Health care spending continues to grow, and prices are the primary driver. Without addressing high and growing prices, efforts to make care more affordable will not be successful. One way to understand what is going on with prices in employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) is to compare negotiated rates paid in that market to Medicare payments for the same services. New analysis from the Heal...

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  1973 Hits