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Kaiser Health News: California Rx: State May Dive Into Generic Drug Market

HCCI's research on insulin prices was cited by Kaiser Health News.   From the article:  "Patients who need insulin have faced huge cost spikes. A 2019 report by the Health Care Cost Institute concluded that average prices for insulin doubled from 2012 to 2016." California Rx: State May Dive Into Generic Drug Market | Kaiser Health News California could become the first state to deve...

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STAT: Seeing the ‘Deep Pocket’ Effect When Insurers Pay for Health Care

HCCI's Guroo tool was cited in a STAT article on direct versus insurance-covered health care service prices.   From the article: "I compared prices from this health system's booklet to the average allowed amounts for the same services reported by the Health Care Cost Institute's Guroo tool for hospitals in the state of Pennsylvania. For all services for which insurers pay more than ...

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AHCJ: Report Shows Wide Variation in What Insurers Pay Providers Versus What Medicare Would Have Paid

HCCI's research on comparing commercial and Medicare professional service prices was featured in the newsletter of the Association of Health Care Journalists. From the article:  "In Comparing Commercial and Medicare Professional Service Prices, HCCI researchers compared what health insurers paid to physicians and other providers with what Medicare pays for those services. This repor...

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Health Affairs: The Hospital Industry Is In A Financial Mess: We Have A Unique Opportunity To Fix It

HCCI's research on hospital market concentration was featured on the Health Affairs blog.  From the article:  "Economists have long worried about the growth in hospital concentration. A 2019 study by the Health Care Cost Institute showed that the percentage of metro regions with hospital markets defined as highly concentrated based on Department of Justice criteria rose from 67 perc...

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Comparing Commercial and Medicare Professional Service Prices

People in the United States routinely cite health care and health care costs as top concerns.1,2,3,4 For the more than 160 million people who get insurance from their employer, the cost of health care is high, growing, and outpacing growth in wages.5,6,7 Across the country, health care costs show up in the form of higher premiums and higher out-of-pocket costs (for services that are both...

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