HCCI’s external researcher publications powered by #HCCIdata


Going Beyond the Healthy Marketplace Index: A Closer Look at Four Metro Areas

Each year, HCCI creates the Healthy Marketplace Index (HMI) to examine how health care spending varies across the United States. The HMI shows health care spending, prices, and use compared to the national median for close to 200 local metro areas. By describing how health care spending varies geographically and how use and price contribute to spending in each area, HMI is a starting point in unde...

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HCCI Data Byte: Using 5-Digit Enrollee and Hospital Zip Code Data to Examine Travel Times for Children's Hospital Services

HCCI's commercial claims dataset includes claims for over one-third of the population with health insurance through their job (employer-sponsored insurance, or ESI). There are a number of unique features of these data that make them valuable for answering important health care and health policy questions. One such feature is the 5-digit zip codes of ESI enrollees (i.e., where people live) and thei...

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Trends in STI Screening Utilization

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are infections caused by pathogens spread through sexual contact. STIs can progress from an infection into a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis and HIV are the most commonly screened for STIs in the US. The CDC STD Surveillance Data estimates that there were more than 2.5 million cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis...

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ESI Enrollees Paid $853 on Average Out-of-Pocket for Health Care in 2020, But Some People Paid Over Four Times as Much

High out-of-pocket costs for health care services can put necessary care and medications out of reach for many people. In one survey, nearly half of adults reported difficulty paying for health care services. In this brief, we used HCCI's commercial claims dataset, which includes health care spending information for over one-third of the population who receives health insurance through their job, ...

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Growing Rate of Billed Emergency Department Use in Childbirth Inpatient Admissions

A recent KHN article reported on the growing presence of "obstetric emergency departments" (OBEDs) in U.S. hospitals. Hospitals suggest that OBEDs, which are generally located within labor and delivery departments and often indistinguishable from standard triage rooms, allow pregnant patients with potential emergent conditions (or when they are in labor) to be seen quickly by hospitalists. Pa...

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