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Assessing the Long-Term Viability of Data Platforms for Research

Health care in the United States is notoriously fragmented. A patient may receive care from a variety of health systems, physicians, and other providers, and that care may or may not be recorded in a patchwork of administrative claims data systems and electronic health record (EHR) systems. At the same time, health data has become an increasingly valuable commodity. Billions of health data points ...

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Modern Healthcare: Implants get ‘smart’ in orthopedics

Data from HCCI's Guroo website was featured in a Modern Healthcare article about new kinds of knee replacement implants.  From the article: "The cost of a total knee replacement varies, but the average cost in the U.S. is more than $37,000, according to an analysis of claims data from Guroo, a service of the Health Care Cost Institute. In addition to the procedure itself, there are costs...

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Ouch!: New Data reveals ER spending increased by 51% from 2012 – 2019, with patient out of pocket payments increasing by 85%

Introduction Excessive emergency room (ER) spending and utilization have long been major areas of focus for health care stakeholders. The ER is an important source of health care for many individuals, especially those who lack a usual source of care, or those with work schedules that limit the ability to access care during "normal business hours." But an ER visit can be extremely expensive, and pa...

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WLRN: 'InHospitable' documentary follows the rising cost of healthcare at hospitals after mergers

HCCI's research on market consolidation was mentioned in an interview with the director of a documentary about hospital mergers.   From the article: "There's this great website called the Health Care Cost Institute, and they have a great interactive tool where you can go and see how consolidated each health care region is all around the country." Delray Beach, Florida filmmaker...

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USA TODAY: Woman waited in Atlanta ER for seven hours and wasn't seen. She was later charged $700.

HCCI's research into ER "facility fees" was featured in a USA TODAY article about fees for visiting an emergency room. From the article: "In 2019, the nonprofit Health Care Cost Institute found that the average emergency room visit cost $1,389, up 176% over the decade. This number only includes the cost of entry for emergency care, not include extra charges such as blood tests, IVs, drugs or other...

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