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HuffPost: Having A Baby Will Cost You. Here’s Exactly How Much My Daughter’s Birth Cost Me.

HCCI's research and data on out-of-pocket childbirth spending was featured in HuffPost.  From the article: " The Health Care Cost Institute, an independent nonprofit, analyzed data from more than a third of the population with employer-sponsored insurance to dig into the out-of-pocket costs of childbirth." Having A Baby Will Cost You. Here’s Exactly How Much My Daughter’s Birth...

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Kaiser Health News: 100 Million People in America Are Saddled With Health Care Debt

HCCI's Healthy Marketplace Index was cited in a KHN article about the state of health care debt in America. From the article:  "From 2012 to 2016, prices for medical care surged 16%, almost four times the rate of overall inflation, a report by the nonprofit Health Care Cost Institute found." 100 Million People in America Are Saddled With Health Care Debt | Kaiser Health News The U.S. hea...

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One-Third of Births Occurred by C-Section in ESI and Medicaid in 2020

Caesarean sections (c-sections) are often life-saving procedures that can prevent injury and death among birthing people and newborns. At the same time, when they are not medically necessary, c-sections may have higher risks to babies and birthing people than vaginal births. Monitoring rates of c-sections among birthing people is an important component of efforts to improve the quality of mat...

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Average Payments for Childbirth Among the Commercially Insured and Fee-for-Service Medicaid

It is well-established that the rates hospitals and physicians are paid to provide health care services are significantly lower in Medicaid than in private health insurance. In this brief, we provide new data on this payment gap in the context of childbirth, an especially relevant area of care since Medicaid and ESI together cover the vast majority of births in the United States. We used HCCI's un...

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Effects of COVID-19 on Health Care Spending Were Concentrated in April-May 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic shaped health care spending and use over the past two years in numerous ways. We recently released our Health Care Cost and Utilization Report which provides data from the first year of the pandemic on health care use, spending, and prices across different types of services for approximately 55 million individuals enrolled in employer-sponsored health insurance. In the report...

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