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Privately Insured Individuals with Diabetes Spend Twice as Much Out-of-Pocket on Health Care as those without Diabetes

Over 10% of the U.S. population— more than 34 million individuals— lives with diabetes, with 1.5 million new cases diagnosed each year. As people with diabetes manage this chronic condition, they often pay substantial amounts out of their own pockets on medical care and prescription medications. Using HCCI's unique health care claims dataset, this brief illustrates the impact of diabetes on the us...

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Healthcare Dive: California to manufacture its own insulin, Newsom says

HCCI's research on insulin prices was featured in a Healthcare Dive brief on California's plan to manufacture its own insulin. From the article: "The Health Care Cost Institute found nearly 9% of patients with private insurance paid an average of $403 per month for their insulin in 2019."  California to manufacture its own insulin, Newsom says | Healthcare Dive Healthcare https://www.healthca...

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ARM and ASHEcon 2022 Recap: HCCI Staff Research

We'll admit it: we have missed in-person conferences!  In June, HCCI staff attended AcademyHealth's Annual Research Meeting (ARM) and ASHEcon. In addition to connecting with other health services researchers, staff presented original research using HCCI's commercial claims dataset.  Here's a sampling of HCCI staff presentations: ASHEcon: Real World Consequences o...

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The First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic Had a Disproportionate Impact on Inpatient Service Use in Socially Vulnerable Metro Areas

Each year, HCCI publishes an annual update to the Healthy Marketplace Index (HMI), an interactive tool that describes how health care prices, use, and spending vary across metropolitan areas. HMI helps us to understand how these aspects of the health care system compare and contrast to the median metropolitan area. We recently released the latest version of the HMI, which provides data from 2020, ...

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July 2022 HCCI Research Highlights

 HCCI's data users and staff use our multi-payer, longitudinal commercial claims dataset to study some of the most pressing issues in the U.S. health care system. Here we highlight some recent research using HCCI data: Where to start? A two stage residual inclusion approach to estimating influence of the initial provider on health care utilization and costs for low back pain in the US | BMC H...

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