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COVID-19 Disrupted On-Time Vaccination Rates In ESI and Medicaid in 2020

It is no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic upended the U.S. health care system in 2020, with effects still being felt in 2022. HCCI previously published a brief that showed precipitous drops in the utilization of several preventive health care services in early 2020. Several news outlets have also covered the effect of the pandemic on routine services, including childhood vaccination rat...

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Mental Health and Respiratory Admissions Account for the Majority of Non-Newborn Children’s Hospitalizations from 2016-2020

Half of American children have health insurance coverage through an employer (typically as a dependent on a parent's coverage). Therefore, a major asset of employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) claims data is the opportunity to understand more about how children use and experience the health care system. In this brief, we use HCCI's unique national dataset encompassing health care claims for over one...

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Use of and Spending on Firearm-Related Injuries Increased among People with Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance from 2016-2020

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that there were more than 45,000 firearm-related deaths in 2020; in addition, evidence suggests that there were an additional 2-3 nonfatal firearm injuries seen per death. Recent studies estimate that more than 200 people are injured by firearms each day, and the notable tragedies in 2022, along with the daily toll of firearm-related inj...

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HCCUR Data Point: Trends in Total (Administered and Prescription) Drug Spending in ESI

Total spending on drugs includes spending on prescription drugs (typically oral medications prescribed by a physician, picked up by a patient at a local pharmacy, and taken at home) and administered drugs (typically injected or infused under the supervision of a health care professional either in an outpatient facility or physician office). In HCCI's Health Care Cost and Utilization Repo...

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Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance Plays a Significant Role in Vulnerable and Rural Communities

Health care insurance claims data capture what health care services people use and how much they pay. These data are crucial for understanding the state of the U.S. health care system, including aspects that function well, those that need improvement, and how to achieve better health and access to care across populations. In this report, we look at the characteristics of individuals who have emplo...

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