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U.S. News & World Report: Cost for Kids' Medical Care Increasing

By: Kimberly Leonard U.S. CHILDREN COVERED by their parents' employer insurance have made fewer visits to medical facilities and used less medical care in recent years, but spending on their care has gone up, according to a report released Monday. The report, from the Health Care Cost Institute, shows that from 2010 to 2014 spending per child age 18 and younger increased by an average of 5.1 perce...

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CNBC: Children are using health services less - but medical costs still rising

 By: Dan Mangan Kids are going to the doctor's office and emergency rooms less often, and even using fewer prescription drugs — but overall health spending on children is still going up. A study released Monday by the Health Care Cost Institute indicates that price increases for health services and brand-name drugs were the biggest drivers of higher overall medical spending on kids from 2010 ...

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Healthzette: The Health Savings We’re Missing - Cost transparency tools exist ... yet we're not using them

 By: Kristen Fischer  We have the tools to shop around and save on health care costs — but we aren't using them. A new Harvard Medical School study reveals that consumer access to price transparency tools doesn't make them any more popular or likely to decrease health care spending. Do we not want to save money, especially in a health care climate in which out-of-pocket costs are soaring...

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Becker's Hospital Review: No 2 prices the same - 13 different findings on healthcare price variation across the U.S.

By: Kelly Gooch  Commercially insured Americans in some states pay more than twice what their counterparts in other states pay for healthcare, according to a study from the Health Care Cost Institute. The study, published in Health Affairs, is accompanied by HCCI's National Chartbook of Health Care Prices—2015, which highlights differences in prices for more than 240 common medical services i...

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USA Today: Huge health care price differences even within same area, by state

 By: Jayne O'Donnell Huge variations exist in the prices of some of the most common medical procedures across state lines, by according to a report major insurers released Wednesday, but some experts say the data is of little use to consumers who rarely know what they owe until the bills arrive. The insurer-funded Health Care Cost Institute (HCCI) won't disclose which hospitals or doctors are...

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