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2007-2011 Vermont Health Care Cost and Utilization Report

The 2007-2011 Vermont Health Care Cost and Utilization Report compares national and Vermont health care trends for the privately insured. The report finds that Vermonters with employer sponsored health insurance spent less on health care, but their spending grew faster than the national average. The report was prepared in cooperation with the Green Mountain Care Board. Download Repo...

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Health Affairs: Health Spending Slowdown Is Mostly Due To Economic Factors, Not Structural Change In The Health Care Sector

ABSTRACT: The source of the recent slowdown in health spending growth remains unclear. We used new and unique data on privately insured people to estimate the effect of the economic slowdown that began in December 2007 on the rate of growth in health spending. By exploiting regional variations in the severity of the slowdown, we determined that the economic slowdown explained approximately 70...

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Children’s Health Spending: 2009-2012

The Children's Health Care Spending: 2009-2012 report shows that spending on health care for privately insured children increased between 2009 and 2012, rising an average 5.5 percent a year, with more dollars spent on boys than girls, and higher spending on infants and toddlers (ages 0-3) than any other children's age group.   Download Report Appendix Tables Issue Brief Key Findings ​Per capi...

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Key Findings from Children's Health Spending 2009-2012 Report

This issue brief summarizes the main findings of the Health Care Cost Institute's (HCCI's) Children's Health Spending: 2009-2012.    Download PDF File Here

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The Prevalence of Diagnosed Diabetes, Pre-Diabetes, and Gestational Diabetes among the ESI Population, 2008-2012

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